Is Gunko...
who wins? (both are current versions)
This fit went ridiculously hard; lowkey wish he kept the suit to be honest.
What if: Doflamingo comes back
Seems like a lot of people skipped this panel
About Kaido's title, results of poll
Ain't it funny that Shanks > Kaido isn't a bad take, but Mihawk > Kaido is a failed IQ test? These two characters are just portrayed completely differently
Is this a bad take or not
The Thing Over the years in Live Action👊💥💙
Do you think there are seraphim of Law, Buggy, Weevil, and Blackbeard?
TIL that Ozzy Osbourne once met with a German record executive while drunk. He tried to “lighten the mood” by performing a striptease and kissing the executive on the lips. The situation then escalated to him goose-stepping up and down the table and urinating in the exec’s wine.
Who is your favorite Warlord and why?
Kaido vs. Blackbeard & Aokiji
What Exactly Is Kaido? is He a Ancient Giant Hybrid Or Something?
If goku had gear 5
This sub in a nutshell
Whose full power reveal will break this sub?
The character of Mihawk in the present One piece
Whitebeard Pirates Division Commanders vs Blackbeard Pirates Titanic Captains, who fought who during the Payback war?
Are there any characters past and present that are physically stronger than Gear 5 Luffy ? Excluding the former Nika fruit users and imu.
Is King vs Katakuri a draw ?
They've only seen the live action
Title: Where are Luffy’s fire abilities?
Oda created Hawkins to explicitily say that Luffy has plot armor and some people still use Marineford Luffy to downscale Mihawk and Sengoku
What's your favorite asymmetrical design? designs that break the mold and aren’t just mirrored on both sides