[TOMT][COMIC BOOK] 90s (?) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book where Turtles and April go to the haunted house and everyone except Rafael eventually gets kidnapped
I wonder if this keeps Doc up at night
Yes, the punchline is antisemitism. Also, was there ever a time Hollywood "hated" Romans?
The ACTUAL biggest plothole in Back to the Future
What the FUCK is going on with the official Steam scoreboard?!
Just one of the many reasons why the animated series is NOT canon
It's insane how quickly and how much darker the second movie had got
Um, Doc... Can you explain something?
Types of time travel in media be like...
"Savage Islamists devoid of laws and moral code are going to rape poor Israeli women day and night!" + an odd bit of Russophobia sprinkled in the middle
This was in the replies to "Argentine is the only Thirld world country that has white population"
Three guesses on whenever or not this guy sees "genetic merit" in Arabs (whose ancestors literally created modern science) or Chinese (whose ancestors invented gunpowder without which modern world would have been impossible)
Least deranged European "anti-communist"
Actual Tolkien Orc beahavior... ironically, from those who must have been really loving calling Russians "Orcs" for the last three years or so
Zoomer review of Might and Magic 6!
This guy quite literally does not know (or pretends not to know) the true meaning of the the word "democracy".
little *Message in a Haunted Mansion* things
I had saved Enroth for the first time, congragulate me!
First time player nearing the end of the game. Made a meme to recap my current impression.
[Request] If I use a 32-bit signed floating-point variable to store the amount of days passed since the certain point in time, how many days would pass before my time counter loses seconds-level precision?
Belated Happy Holidays from Hiyoko!
My Hiyoko-themed game mod is back in production!
First time playing MM6 and this is so fucking racist, why couldn't they at least use HOMM2 Orcs as enemies instead?!
How much accurate this is? (NSFW mention)
As if Stalin and Mao aren't primarily known for being "the winning side" of the literally biggest war in history...