Arcane and The Dragon Prince?
What does this mean?
Who’s your favorite character, and why?
Apparently the rest of the world doesn’t do paper crowns at Christmas
Is the SumOne Gold worth it?
My drawing of Bean
I need help to talk to my mum
Why can't I ride my horse?
[Screenshot] Time to grow!
Hello guys ! please help me choose the best shaders pack for my youtube videos ! which one do you think is the best ?
Worth to get?
What are your immediate thoughts when you hear a guy refer to himself as an "Alpha Male"?
What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I married and then birded a child from each marriage candidate, completing a graveyard as I went.
which block of sugarcane do you break first?
In the most simple explanation possible, what do you do for a living?
What do you think will your last words be?
what is one imaginary thing you wish existed in real life?
I have two unwritten rules
I finally remembered, about the festival
Guess how old I am
What is a hobby someone can have that is an immediate red flag?
People of reddit, what do you mis about the Covid lockdown period?
if you had 30 seconds to say something to the entire world. what would you say?
What’s the meaning of life?