How to run a gala?
Help introducing the Explore and Downtime actions for 5E players?
What happens to intelligent undead when they die?
Is there any ancestry similar to a firbolg (from dnd 5e) in Pathfinder 2e?
So like, what do Incels get from “blackpiling” normies or other Incels?
Male Cat constantly kidnaps our kittens
Best and most exciting adventures
What are some fun builds for a Tiny sized Poppet?
I can’t find anything I want to play.
PF2e ( spell issues Malediction)
Orcs Invented Gin on Golarion?
How are people's experiences with Mythic so far?
It’s misogynistic to not want female characters to be pregnant apparently
Weird niche things
Demiplane has additional art not printed in NPC Core (And lots more!)
What kind of expansion to existing content would you like to see more of?
Question regarding Magic Weapons in Pathfinder 2e
I wish Paizo played nicer with FLGSs.
I am starting a Pathfinder campaign for the first time (this is also my first time dming), and my players are also new to the game and TTRPG game overall. Do you have any tips for me?
NPC core is out.
Would it be realistic for Witch Hunters to accept Witches into their ranks?
Adventure path releases
My cat doesn’t like being picked up any more??
Foundry's Pathfinder 2e System is just INCREDIBLE. If you've wanted to try pf2e, the system and some accompanying modules make it much, MUCH easier to run the game. Have a look!
Rival Academies is on avilable Demiplane