Rixia vs Laura vs Shizuna
Sky remake gameplay changes?
Where is Schera from and Shizuna's question
Is it just me or is Altina more shipped with Rean than people want to admit?
First time Zero
Can i start with trails from Zero?
AITA for not tipping my boyfriend when he delivers my food?
AITA for not being nice to my sister’s boyfriend?
Syndra & Zed by Piscina!
Found this in aita. Her husband is definitely the ah but the language she uses😭
Do you care more about winning or having fun?
I am giving up on Kat
AITA for wanting my boyfriend to distance himself from his friends because of his ex-girlfriend?
AITA for not telling my girlfriend a guy was watching us having sex?
I refuse to be Iron
What is a good KDA and does it matter?
NA bronze 4 looking for duo to try and climb to gold
I have been humbled
Bronze 4 undeserved rank
Am i boosted?
What is this shit!?
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AITA for not wanting my gf’s friend to wear my new clothes?
WIBTA if I asked the neighbor boys to put on shirts?
What’s controversial but you agree with?