Who would win this fight?
Sean Bean never dies...
Who do you have winning this fight?
A name for my dream kitty? I'm so happy I'm ugly crying
What would you name him?
To Hat or not to Hat?
Wait, come back!
why does everything remind me of Hitman?
Blood Money human shield mechanic is a bit "buggy"
Silly 47: Disguise Edition
Imperial Classic
How about a Tango, Miss Burnwood?
Vintage life/Fernando Delgado bug
TIL this was what the Graveyard Shift level’s office pantry in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin was referencing~
Webcam was invented in 1991 by researchers to check if the coffee pot in another room is empty or not.
It's gonna sting a bit
Cashmerian Suit
If Agent 47 Had to Disguise as A Stand Up Comedian, What Jokes Do You Think He Would Say?
Bruce Willice?
Wanna see a magic trick?
How can they not see me? :DDD
The Beldingfords are asleep...
Fastest Way To Eliminate SILVIO CARUSO in Hitman 3
If you were to design a hitman level, what would it be?
Live Adaptation of hitman.
Nicholas Hoult as Agent 47 in a ‘Hitman’ Movie