Career Consults
How is Southwest pilot compensation “different”?
Let’s talk about the future: the wave is over. Some things to consider:
If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be?
Did any of you airline pilots run into a time where you thought about quitting your training?
Should I go to NGPA expo as a perspective regional pilot
Legacy Street Hiring - a soon to be thing of the past?
Fail line training
Stay at SWA or go to UAL?
AA or DAL?
How much longer before our only options of making a legacy are Aviate/Propel-like programs or military?
Airline Hiring Outlook 2025
121 Hiring Slum
At what point is it not worth making the jump to the legacies?
4 Checkride Busts
Anyone here have a SODA for their eyesight? What's the medical flight like?
[Linn] James Harden on his shooting getting better: “I haven’t had this role in 4-5 years so it took me some time to get there. But game by game I continue to get better. I’ll eventually have more efficiency and less turnovers.”
Morey ruining the Harden relationship and pursuing PG should be a career defining move if the Sixers don’t get to the conference finals at least.
[Azarly] During Nikola Jokic’s free throws, a Clippers fan on the wall has a horse mask on and a sign that reads, “Dad, I Miss You”
why 121 over 91?
2 Checkride Busts