Actors ranked by how many Nolan films they have been in (including The Odyssey)
How big of a problem is this?
She noticed this while he was standing in the pool.
I want him gone
How you guys pulling the copper from the steel?
Felt myself melt into my chair when I realized how well this fits
How much I enjoy spring training as opening day approaches
Favourite HVAC smells?
More busduct and cable
What are your thoughts on Rusty?
Why does the pinch and twist method work for itchy balls, but no other body part?
What are the worst 1-year contracts of all time?
LaRoche takes the final square. Thanks for playing
Bryson INSANE Eagle while blocked out in a bunker 230 yards away over water
New load
Exotic Pittsburgh
I wonder...
They’re not gonna put Jacobs back in are they?
WhAt ArE yOuR tHoUgHtS oN eVa GrEeN?
Photographic evidence as to why it’s important to ensure proper manifold pressure and pitch condensing furnaces…
Coil pile
QB tier list this one is for real
MRW some talking head admonishes me for feeling zero sympathy for a CEO ‘s demise
Chicago area location scrap prices 12.20.24
Pick One: Calvin Ridley, Tyrone Tracy, or Marvin Harrison?