Asking for advice about Ramadan
I need some advice please 🙏😭
Question to all queer muslims
This game is INSANE
Événements queer à Montpellier?
Dying hair + wavy hair routine
My mom feels overly emotionally dependant
Make an old story private?
how much is the monthly cost of living in montpellier as a student? (rent excluded)
Name a group and others comment the first song by them that comes to mind
Help! is there a difference?
Visiting Morocco for the first time - which city to visit ????
I'm so confused about her please help I'm going crazy
Next gen fics?
Fic recs (Jily)
"Being homosexual is a disease".
Asking for fic recs
shifting to marauders era
Self promo: long canon compliant marauder fic - no Wolfstar, no Jegulus
How do I know if I'm bi, lesbian, omni or pan?
Eid mabarak , i wanna ask u something
Looking for friends!!
Drop your favorite movie ever and explain why
how to convince my mam
I need help on a fic I’m writing