Lounge task
Politiet: 3 videoer og 2sifret antall overgrepsbilder funnet på Marius telefon fra skrekknatten 2018
Statskanalen har klartlagt barnetorpedoer fra Sverige. Statskanalen har valgt et fiktivt navn til personen som omtales - Ludvig. «Ludvig» 😂
Looking for a card please
anyone willing to trade?
Does anyone have these two?
What's your "I don't want food" food?
Alright, here's my entire catalogue. Anyone need anything? And can anyone help me out?
Do your initials spell out a word?
Anyone? Need anything for the missing ones?
Can anyone help with this card
What is your current hyperfixation?
Was gifted this book from the charity shop I volunteer at, it’s sooo pretty 😭
What are some names you can tell the parents were going for unique, but ended up extremely common?
my first crochet attempts
Ga opp rehab eller? Med den utstrakte rusbruk og problemene han har er det ikke snakk om noen få uker i behandling? Tipper han ikke har interesse av å bli rusfri ?
Did I mess up on my dress?
Marius og fengsel
Anyone know what kind of glassware this is?
The unthinkable happened, and I'll be removing myself from this sub.
Tips til Rampenissestreker
Postnord: Miljøbevisst levering på sitt beste 🌍
I was on a good streak until this morning....