Disadvantages to using a V60 filter inside a Kalita 155?
What other artists do you guys reccommend?
New to latte art! Pls help.
Did I miss something? Is Elon Musk controversial now?
The kino kids are allllllright
[USA - GA] [H] MHW-3BOMBER - Blind Shaker Espresso Dosing Cup - 54mm [W] PayPal/Venmo
Zero point zp6
Today was my day boys—didn’t expect this from a big roastery like Friedhats
Thawing Frozen Coffee Beans (Medium Roast)
Image Request for a Video!
Recent Latte Art with Dedica
A lesson learned: British flour needs less water
Tips on freezing coffee
ULPT: If you want to leave a mark on something like stainless steel permanently, consider using an etch primer rather than spray paint as it will eat into the metal.
Here’s my 2nd attempt at using the bottomless portafilter!
Buttercream (September) and Milky cake (DAK) flavor extraction
First time using a bottomless portafilter on my BBE
Hottest Take
I finally did it
How I broke out of Junior Jail
Am I a freak or there are others out there too?
successfully revived 2yr old starter that was lurking in my fridge (and first bake)
What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?
[US-WA-Seattle][H] Bambino Plus w/ Normcore kit [W] Venmo, PayPal, local cash