H:Q ffr 90 aligned auto reflex Enclave plasma rifle, B 50vh 25 railway, AA 25 25 railway, AA E 25 railway. W: taking offers of maps,flux,junk or xp boosters. Will look at any off those
H:QE 15c fixer W:offers of either junk,maps, flux,or xp boosters( not ingredients to make them)
H:B5025 Fixer W: offers of junk , flux ,maps , or xp boosters won't be on till this evening so will look at offers till then
H:complete rare fasnacht mask collection W:responders fireman outfit and J 25 25 enclave plasma rifle with aligned flamer stabilized stock and reflex sight and maybe a little throw in
H:leader bobs W: Forrest scout armor mask
h: JUG ffr 15r Enclave rifle with aligned flamer ,stabilized stock,and reflex sights W: same guy but junkies instead of JUG
H: full rare fasnacht mask set W: responders fireman outfit Tattered field jacket plus possibly adds ( not looking for bulk legendary weapon offers and wont separate masks)
H:full rare fasnacht set W:offers that includes responders fireman outfit + adds (don't want legendary bulk offers and wont separate masks)
H:full rare fasnacht set W:offers that includes responders fireman outfit + adds (don't want legendary bulk offers and won separate masks)
H:fiend mask W:loon mask
H:weaps,armor,leader bobs, and junk W:winterman mask
H:copper w:lead
H:35k caps W: rare fasnacht masks
H: fushion cells W:plasma cartridges, .45 ,or 5.56 ammo
H: Completes asylum set W:responders fireman outfit and helmet ,white powder js or,leather coat without backpack
H:complete Asylum dress set W:offers
H: 30k caps W: rare fasnacht masks
H: 35k caps W: Forest Asylum or Fasnacht Mask
H: weaps,camo js,crazy guy mask,yellow Asylum dress,leader bobs,cb3 maps, and junk W:red Asylum dress
H: weaps, camo js, crazy guy mask,leader bobs,cb3 maps ,and junk W: red Asylum dress
H: leader bobs W:canned meat stew
H:weap,apparel,cb3 maps,leader bobs,and junk W:red Asylum dress
H:camo js,weaps ,leader bobs,maps,junk W:red Asylum dress
H: crazy guy mask W: a different rare fasnacht mask
H:plan for witch costume and hat W: offers anything from caps and up