Home Depot coming through with the variety
Anyone else have GD with one pregnancy and not the other?
What’s the FIRST thing you’re buying for baby?
Bamboozled by social media to try the dipping burritos
Nontraditional pregnancy symptoms!
Protein shakes?
How long between blood work confirmation was first MFM appointment?
Valentine’s Day / birthday when pregnant?
Trader Joe’s recommendations
Belly band/Tape recommendations
I’ve never been so stressed in my life.
Stressed and Hungry
For those who who failed the 3 hour test, what was your 1 hour test result?
3 hr GD test
Baby tracking app
Everyone looks so cute pregnant and I look disgusting
Progesterone suppositores?
Really high HCG beta?
Terrified that I’m not actually pregnant? PCOS
Nook’s buying for 463
Whole Foods prepared bag/bakery
Is their anything wrong with this guinea pig?
Is $103.50 for 4.5 block good?
Average wait time for an order on scheduled block at Whole Foods??
Not sure what’s going on with this plant should I toss or keep growing?