This is an old ass post that I just stumbled upon, but I’m crying at OP and their partner allegedly being 21 and already past their sophomore year of medical school
AITA for calling my gf’s best friends pathetic and stupid
classmate told me i should cut my hair because i get no girl,should i
My hairdresser gave me bangs (without my asking). I’ve only ever had side bangs. Which one looks better? Or neither?
Horrible news about the "Harry Potter" TV series
Hogwarts mural painting in my kids nursery
My girlfriend likes to be naked for other people
If you had to wear a t-shirt with your most used phrase, what would your t-shirt read?
Update 2
My dice bracelets are not selling at all, any tips on marketing?
Going on my first date since getting divorced... whats changed? What do I wear? What do people actually do on dates!!!?
Please help me decide which color/style suits me best!
TIFU by turning my daughter into a wannabe Superhero with an incredibly strong moral compass...
TIFU by turning my daughter into a wannabe Superhero with an incredibly strong moral compass... (UPDATE)
Is this tattoo well done and is the artist worth going back to?