More Season 5 updates
How do i get this skin?
I'ma hope bs like this gets removed tomorrow. It really wasn't "skill issue" it needed to be fixed. I myself have abused broken bs like this to get free wins myself honestly.
Attack decay should've never been nerfed. Being rewarded for spamming like this ruined the game somewhat.
How those doomposters feel now that Multiversus is ending after spamming steam numbers and ” dead game” for an entire year.
Future of Multiversus.
End of Season 5 WAIT
MultiVersus is over
It took me 243 chests but I did it
After over 400 hours, I finally deleted MultiVersus
Should I get implants or keep my a cups
Is this good or bad for MVS??
Major galore
How to solo the rogue rift on looney difficulty using Jason and Rick. (Level 20 gems used in vid)
What will exactly happen if they don't fix Fighters Road
arya 0 to death
Let's talk about the artstyle of the game!
4'11, 86lb, and flat chest.. are we still fucking?
I finally understand Launch Day
Are they ever going to fix the lag and stuttering?
I’m tired of these fucking bum ass picks, give me PEAK
Marcelline is unfair to fight against