I scooped out Talia's brain to make a robot that could do her job better, Better Talia now periodically visits her predecessor's grave.
He's been fooled one too many times.
Yesterday will happen tomorrow, where will you have already been?
I was trusted with a meme format, made a bone hurting juice instantly.
When you're on the law route
Ahhh yes, Trans and Non-Binary are reason why culture and media are shitty now
How do we feel about people using AI in their posts?
Rat-keepers of the Rim, What are your experiences with keeping a rat-room?
There are no rocks on the road.
Der freischutz redesign @tinyidiotbird
Attempts to draw every abnormality, each within two minutes
This is a ground breaking work. Available in AmazonKDP
Feral Strawberry
RimWorld - Miracle settlement
Are y’all team get-as-far-from-my-deathname-as-possible or team I’m-just-changing-one-letter? Also:
No bitches?
Circle of Hexbind - DND Subclass inspired by Limbus Corporation/Library of Ruina!
Mouth Taste Soda
pickle disc
dante's input on the recent election results:
Ground Beef Ham Rolls
Who's yalls favorite canon asexal character
A-Spec Characters List (canon confirmed and headcanons)