bri thinks he can get out of this one 😭😭😭💀💀💔💔
Tomorrow is better than Like Him and is easily Tyler’s best song
My internship makes me feel like Patrick from SpongeBob
Uh oh
What joke made made the show click for you?
Chromakopia Mask
Day 9: Best Tyler song that starts with I
What is Chromakopia even about bro
Does anyone still listen to Young Jeezy?
When was YOUR November?
Best Rapper from Every State
Explain bioshock in 5 words
I've been putting off this game for years because of how hard everyone says it is
What Rap Album Should People Listen To Atleast Once In Their Lifetime?
How do you feel about this?
I dare you to give one genuine criticism of this song (you can't)
What even is Aldi, how is it related to Kanye and why is everybody making parody albums switching out words with "Aldi"
If Tyler had a “Best Of” Album
Who has the best drip/fashion style and why?
If CHROMAKOPIA ever gets a deluxe, what do you think it’ll be called? Give me some of your ideas as well
What do Y’all think?
Gobliniest post-Flower Boy Tyler song?
Judge Judy and I killed you(mainly judge Judy) are the two best songs after Like him, no discussion.
What are your thoughts on Sander Cohen?