What are your opinions on our sister fetish(es), head swap?
Bored so I made a tier list of body swap tropes
Anyone else excited for Season 3?
I5 9400f is worth?
Multiple Questions...
Is it just me?! New install of Dota 2 is 73gigs! How big is your installation?
In a gaming funk, how do you guys combat this?
System apps arent working properly after a system restore
Airflow Help!!
When you “reinstall windows” after CPU or Mobo swap what do you mean?
I saw some similarities, and it begged me a question is current Ohma without Niko Style, 5 times more powerfull than he was in KAT? meaning his overrall attack base is now 5 times stronger than his adamantine Kata
Behaviour system - need help
What is this system?
Common swap partners alignment chart
Crownfall was nice, but this was on another level.
Who was Kiryu's best rival?
Question since I've only played 0, LaD and IW
Watch_Dogs 2 adds Achievements on Steam
Plz help me
Grip strength
Kengan Omega Ch. 294 (Comikey)
How many men each yakuza fighter can take tier list
Koreanon doesn't like his neighbors