Is she attracted to me?
Super Hot and Cold Scorpio Man
Can someone explain?
How do I prepare for my A Levels in 13 years?
whats the funniest/best term for masturbating?
[Serious] Folks who have considered ending their lives, what made/makes you keep going?
The Future of Cities: Skylines thread
who Kept $nakd since they bought it when it was at 2.00$+
We are creating a barcode that scans hold this line! 💎👌🏻💎🚀🚀🚀
WSB right now
To all 💎🙌 who are too low karma to post
My 102 year old grandmother bought GME in August 1995 and held through all this time.
This is what holding the line looks like! Look at that volume. Diamond-Hands keep it up!
None of these individuals are part of Wallstreet Bets. Nobody speaks for WSB.
Where do we go from here and who is going to step up to help us?
Black Widow
What’s a weird smell you like?
If you woke up in the year 2100, what will be your first search on Google?
If one day everyone in the world gets to become any character from the movies, tv shows, stories, comics etc., for one day, who would you be and what would you do during that day?
What sucks now that didn't suck back then?
Who is the most unsettling person you ever met? (NSFW)
What's that one movie that needs a reboot/remake?
What's the most disgusting thing you've ever put in your mouth?
What is genuinely the worst feeling ever?
What are some terms you should NOT EVER google?