Can men get breast cancer?
Dear men, when was the list time you received a compliment?
Men of Reddit, how do you feel about being catcalled?
Elder millennials, what were the 4 VHS tapes you owned and watched on repeat?
personal net worth should be capped at $999 million USD
I am the daughter of a rapist AMA
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Kenpachi either have the greatest plot armor or Tosen is the most honorable shinigami ever
AITA for refusing to go down on my girlfriend when she doesn’t reciprocate?
Finally, double-handled fabric softener
men of reddit, how do you feel when you see another man who is considerably taller than you?
Men, does having a boner make it hard to aim your pee?
My Girlfriend’s sister is cheating and my Gf doesn’t say anything … AITA?
People who know a porn star personally, what's that like?
You have the power to remove one song from existence and nobody will remember it. What song do you choose?
Do we know how long Gins zanpakuto can extend without him using Bankai?
Your spouse is offered 1 million dollars if they have sex with someone else. Do you tell them to take the offer?
What's one job you will never do even if it pays good money?
What stopped you from ending your life?
Characters who canonically commited murder before even hitting puberty, intentionally or not (NSFW because gore)
Anyone left the smart phone world?
Is there any infamous Reddit users?
[Superman] How did Clark Kent's parents legally adopt him?
What is the greatest one-liner in movie history?
How much do you drink?