I am often jealous of how boys look and I want to look like a boy.
Pan vs bi differences?
I would never be able to be in a relationship with a man, although I have been in a relationship with men, and I find some men attractive
Am I polyamorous? If not, then what is it called?
Can you become polyamorous if I you weren't before?
If I want to be a man, does that automatically make me trans?
Can I call myself trans if I didn't always feel that something was wrong with my gender identity?
Is it normal to often think about your gender identity as a cis person?
Am I non-binary?
Does it sound like I'm a lesbian or bi?
What is the sexuality in which I find boys attractive but I don't want to be in a relationship with them?
Czy da się w miarę łatwo znalesc pracę jako trans mężczyzna?
When faced with criticism, can an INTP react emotionally instead of doing something about it?
Czy łatwo wam było znaleźć pracę tak samo jak osobą cisplciowym?
Can I be trans even if I didn't feel bad in my body during puberty?
Can I be trans if I didn't feel like a boy during childhood at all? FtM
Why do I feel so peaceful after SH?
I had no signs of being trans as a child
Czy w Polsce da się normalnie znaleźć pracę jako osoba transplciowoscia?
Czy można być trans jeżeli nie miało się takich myśli od dziecka?
Can a lesbian find some men hot?
Jaka to orientacja?
Can your sexual orientation change?
Does allowing someone else to touch you in your private parts get you into hell?
Czy osoby transplciowoscie od zawsze mają takie myśli, odkąd byli młodzi?