Which uni is a better option?
What to do in Siliguri
My tier list of the covers (these were so hard to rank 😭)
Solotrip to indonesia
GRE min for Masters
Read Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson: Chapters 16, 17, and 18
Giver of a blowjob trusts an awfully lot on the receivers daily hygiene routine
Any of u wanna join the free rocketry courses?
Where can I watch Scavengers Reign?
Ideas for research project
What does this mean?
Translation notes from Soukatsu on 237
Who's the Most Dangerous Human Alive Right Now?
What are your sexual regrets?
Just wondering where men get the audacity
If your penis made a noise every time it got hard, what would you want the noise to be?
Replying to a Mcdonalds Enthusiast u/Wooden_Collar_6650
Gentleman, what are your tricks for lasting longer in bed?
How do I reply to this? :)
I am lost. I love someone but family is against it.
Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 217 Links + Discussion
A love letter to Lolita
bhenchod sabh jobless
Lifting girls
Whats the weirdest fetish your partner has had?