this filter is nice
My laptop is making a terrible noise
The Malaysian Pet Passport issued by the government . Although titled as passport, it cannot be used for traveling purposes, unlike pet passport issued in the EU, which just has the same generic booklet design for all EU countries.
I'm 32.
New SLS2 (i7, 32GB) reported 5.5% battery wear within 2 months, despite with smart charging on 😫💔
I think humans are overrated and small animals are better
I think all the hate towards Russia should directed only to the government and not the people, and the same shall apply to Iran, North Korea and China (or any country for that matter).
My second surface device 😃
Hamster baby
Workaccident , first update recovery
Straight after covid lockdown, I took this photo to show how freaking long my hair had grown.
Frustrated with Australian Visa Process – No Chance to Fix Issues and Lost Money
Just another Sunday
Misdiagnosed and my pain saga
White people in New Zealand don't give a f**k about blacks
WHY THIS SUB EXISTS!? It's so disgusting and painful and now I am addicted to watch!
What is your stand on boiling fresh seafood?
So in Stven Krantz's Real Analysis and Foundation, Chapter 8 Question 26, I have a weird question that I can't proof. I put down my questions in read and my workings in black. May you help me?
Fictitious Passport for Imperial Ming China (that you can get on Taobao)
One of the best oysters that I have had in many years, thanks Perth