At how many weeks did u deliver baby for first time moms?
What is the best restaraunt everyone has eaten at in the area?
Do you feel like your pregnancy went by fast?
Random thought: If you could what would you do to fix Andromeda?
I just came back from a 5 week vacation to Puerto Rico and I lost 32 pounds
What do you miss the most? I'll go first.
Do you have a nickname for your baby?
For those further out, did your tfmr change how many kids you wanted?
Those who had planned out their Rook’s romance before the game released - what did you think of the outcome?
Third trimester moms, how you feeling?
Let me see you stripped down to the bone
Just found out the gender and I'm so disappointed ☹️
Someone tell me to stop eating McDonald’s
I didn't know you could see this until my 4th playthrough
What are you doing this weekend?
Show Me Your Lavellans: Then VS Now
Where's the cleanest automated car wash?
My fellow NoVaGinians, are you enjoying this rain as much as I am ?
what does mine say about me
Which Decor do you put in your Lighthouse?
NIN account posted about tour!
I feel like I’m too late to do a pregnancy journal…
Anyone else been nearly run off the road by this guy?
Generation Stuck Forever...
Who has more real life appeal?