State laws
Every visitor’s favorite 🤗
5 minutes into “please don’t bite my face” and she gives you this look👀 Boiga gemmicincta. Hoping to breed this species but I get too scared she’s going to eat the male every season and decide not to🤣 she’s an extremely defensive individual and only handled for cage maintenance
Who else gets amazed with venenous snakes when fed live?
5 year old basiliscus
Went to the hardware store for a light bulb but all I could find was this weird grey and black one🤔
Why do you keep venomous animals?
Flat and Happy
Any experience with this breeder?
Had texel pop up in a new siamese splash line I got
Trusted breeder
Black Mamba pics, please!
What kind of experience do people with venomous snakes require?
Doodles are no longer allowed on this sub
A couple years ago my mom got Jinn his own La-Z-Boy couch and he has used it every single day since. He absolutely loves it❤️
New collar came today! He was the light blue collar puppy in his litter so it’s extra fitting
We attended our third agility trial this weekend and also got all of our Level 1 CPE titles! So proud of how this boy did!
Can I please have pictures?
to Trimeresurus breeder, may i ask something?
Sexual dimorphism of Mangshan vipers, on the left is the female and on the right a male. Males are brighter with more contrast, females get a little muddier looking.
Anytime I post a picture of a hugely pregnant girl I have some concern in the comments on how they recover/the strain it puts on them, which is understandable and important to monitor. Here’s a girl that gave birth to 24 babies just 3 days ago.
6 months of growth🥰
RANT Gatekeeping against mixed breed dogs here is shameful. Read description
From Serbia Caspian whipsnake on the right(Dolichophis caspius)and Smooth snake on left(Coronella austriaca)are both generalist feeders and feed on most of any animals.They even rarely feed on our venomous snake(Vipera ammodytes).Which are your countrys venomous snake eating reptiles?
anyone here keeping Ovophis species?