Karla Sofía Gascón Breaks Down Repeatedly in Hour-Long TV Interview: “I Am Not a Racist”
What are your latest pick-ups?
Give an argument about why each of the nominees in the acting categories should win.
The worst thing each character has done Day 2: Jake Peralta
Je pense avoir raté mon BA1 alors que j’ai bossé toute l’année, quoi faire?
How would you personally rank the following Swiss cities from most to least tourist appeal?
Un grand travail de recherche basé sur une culture déjà immense à la base...
Sent to me by NASA employed friend
Quand on demande à Elon Musk si il est d’extrême droite…
How can I better prepare my child for collège and lycée in France?
Who were the great conquerers?
Best way to get rupees?
[Request] Is the order of magnitude correct? (neglecting the fact that water is reused after cooling down serveurs of course)
Europoor Guerilla warfare would be next level
Silo S2E9 "The Safeguard" Episode Discussion (No Book Discussion)
Le Pen and Le Sword.
Je ne suis pas à l'aise avec le fait que des gens se réjouissent de la mort de JM Lepen
POV: Normies when Degrowth
From my experience IRL and IVL, a map of countries that unironically hate or like France
My 12 must-watch francophone films: from Québec, France, Senegal, Belgium and Switzerland.
Did George W Bush ironically save the most lives out of any president?
[Request] How big would a Fortnite character be compared to a human if this is the size of the map compared to the Earth?
After one year, recency bias out of the way, did any 2023 movies make it into your favorites of all time? (Highest Rated on Letterboxd)
Can vegans take medication made from immortalized cells?
I had this one in the (hydrogen) pipeline for some days now.