Obvious hypocrisy aside, what did Rick and Morty actually "borrow" from Family Guy? Does Family Guy think it invented the concept of the multiverse?
I bet they don’t even have Paul Bufano
Saw this at my local spot
Praying we get our 6th next season.
Posted for no other reason than it’s real nice out here at our tiny hill in WI, and some ppl will hate this
Stone grind between runs for max efficiency
New bike
Name me some songs with a great bass groove that just repeats for most of/the whole song
Jack Barker's Wine Cabinet S3 E3
Who's The Better Doctor?
Rapper Kodak Black's Cybertruck on 30s
How can I protect my bass from theft during gigs?
750 good for first bike?
405lb Bench Press
TIFU, went in for a job interview and asked to eat lunch in the office instead of going out. Was told that was why they weren't going to hire me.
My Idaho
Tell me your biggest pet peeve the most about performing music with other people!
Anyone know what these boots are? (random video from instagram)
How many cats do you have ?Would three be too many?
Maybe baby
Wow what a deal!
The snow in the sierras is bad, still getting after it though!