Fire? Help?!
401k Match
skill gain weirdly fast?
New comer (it's me) needing a temporary home.
Retro Video Game Shops
Returning Amazon
Thunderstorms passing over Portland Maine
Fake gamers will deny this.
The Grumbo (didn't take notes)
A Message from a Dropout/Mod
first ziggy, now this… what a world
durring FINALS??? dawg!! this is literally 1984
hawkward moment
mssm students in the academic wing: pwease mr LCS can we have some heat? *okay bet*
Hello? Is there anybody out there?
i cried very hard reading the return plan, i know they designed it to keep us safe but it feels like they didn’t even try to benefit our mental health with it
sorry for all these but this plan really hurts and how eLse am i supposed to cope<3
admin, take notes
:) i regret making this
Rhodes good admin bad?
please send me a message if ur interested.... i guess
not trying to gain internet points. i don’t really care. i just think this student is being a silly goose and deserve to be called out. i’ll respect the rules, here’s the post with no name drop
i didn’t think it through when i made my posts with their name. my bad. it won’t happen again. sorry.
how has he said nothing about the email chain? i didn’t expect it, but it would be nice. probably we’ll get a talk about reddit again
this one’s kinda mean, sorry