If you were the opposite gender for one day what would you do?
What's the funniest thing a European tourist has done in America?
What's the most ridiculous thing Americans believe about Europe?
What's something Americans don't understand about Europe?
Americans of Reddit, what things in Europe are you extremely jealous about?
What's a stereotype about Americans that Europeans get completely wrong?
What's a political hill you're willing to die on, no matter how unpopular it is?
What's a world leader you think is underrated?
What's a political figure you used to support but now regret backing?
Can anyone help me?
What's a political opinion you hold that would get you roasted on social media?
What's the most embarrassing thing you've done to impress someone you liked?
What's the most 'main character energy' thing you've ever witnessed?
What's a 'rule' in your household that no one else would understand?
What is a socially acceptable behaviour now that will be seen completely ridiculous in 50 years?
What's a skill you have that's completely useless but still impressive?
I made another Achievement
I thought this was an actual staircase
Recoil control with tec9 + 6x scope