Rewatching 19 KAC S3 E5-S3 E16 (Part 2): Meech and Boob take parenting advice from Chick-fil-A, Meech and Boob upset they’re only having 1 baby & not twins, Dr. Sarver doing some snarking, & Anna and Meech wearing matching outfits.
Rewatching 19 KAC S3 E5-S3 E16 (Part 1): Anna sporting her “Joshy Girl” purse, Anna riding Josh like a horse? More of Meech and Boob isolating their kids & Meech and Boob exploiting their kid that hasn’t even been born yet.
Best shoes to wear to work for 8+ hours a day?
Dr. Phil episode
When will Ark mobile on iOS available In App Store again?
Help me choose business names for a game I’m playing??
Kate Gosselin Demands Ex-Husband Help Her With Money
Nintendogs Chihuahua (JP) Max Trainer Points Action Replay code
Looking for help
Help w/ New Super Mario Bros (DS) cheat codes?
Looking for a certain video, can anyone help?
sharing her kids health concerns
What happened to her nephew that she was going to adopt?
Dear Veronica you are a terrible mother. This is your karma. Swallow it
If I ran into her on the street with her makeup like this I'd assume she was on meth
Working on a list of less mainstream places to go on a date in Pittsburgh. What am I missing?
Toothgate Video
He definitely molested Breeana.
Comment from fb post
What is this wire behind my Fridge?
Pennsylvania woman fired and arrested with 20 counts of child abuse after THROWING babies at the daycare she worked at.
Does anyone know of a reliable phone I can get for $190 or under?
The kids going to public school shines a light on all the issues in the household that she wants to ignore…
Ah yes, the magic carpet ride of neglect