Just finished reading this absolute masterpiece
Only - Home and + buttons work
Manga Recommendations
Make your team, Others will rate it
Beated the game with this monster of a team
Just blew my load on Shadow Ball for Gengar.
Took an inventory of my handhelds - I may have a problem
I haven't finished it but what do you think ?
The SP 🔥
Purple is so Good!
Nintendo Switch Lite Mod/Jailbreak
No sounds/music at all
How to open retroarch menu
What is this file?
Uninstalling RetroArch
Can't save (gb, gbc and gba)
Got a Japanese Pokemon Yellow 2ds the other day
Name your favorite video game but take away one word.
Help please!! Can't save (gb, gbc and gba)
Please Help!! Can't save (gb, gbc and gba)
Think i might have a problem... lol
Just seen some videos about MIGswitch
Can't save