Be honest are you really over your ex?
(Possible stupid question incoming) I am new to this community. I do not own a SmartDoll, but I do own a large doll that is a similar size to a SmartDoll, and I’m looking for props/pieces that I can use with her. Am I still welcome here?
How long did it take you to sleep with someone else?
Who is this weirdo 😭😭
lost my virginity and was dripping blood
I am actually curious.
Best lube?
how long did it take you to stop loving your ex?
Hi! My name is Meg and I’m a comic artist with BP2/ADHD
Is any of this normal?
Does orgasming during change you??
Found Creatable World dolls at the thrift store
What are chances of pregnancy if he only inserted the tip?
Anyone had any luck cutting the SmD wigs?
Happy Valentine’s day to everyone who’s alone after a breakup
Dyslexia people building legos
Why did Eiji fall in love with Ash??
Struggle of trying to be comforting
How do we feel about this little bastard?
Why is suicide haram
Question to all queer muslims
What’s the worst thing your ex said to you?
Porn addiction
Oral sex with the period
why did your last relationship end?