I'm about to quit the show
Buy parts for current or buy brand new?
Dead City- I hated it.
Proof literally in the pudding
After 15 years of planning and dreaming I finally bought my first ever PC!
Which one of these 1000w psu should I get or is there a better one that is under 140
Any tips on what I can add
First time ever building a computer how do yall think I did?
I’m new to PC’s! Is this good?
Red or green
SSD doesnt register on my pc
What would make you not buy gta6?
Drivers idk
Got a 4070 super but is getting detected as a 4060 ti
Ampere bros be like
Question for the Builders
is 1TB SSD enough?
My monitor wont let me go on 144hz
Vertical or no vertical?
Question about a build my friend made for me
First PC build after a decade with 950m laptop
Trading a Xbox series X for this. Worth it?
Did I lose all my skins? Scammed? Idk
Best cooler that will fit in here? using a i7 10700f