Meine Mutter denkt ich habe kPTBS, aber ich bin mir nicht so sicher
Wäre es möglich, dass ich ADHS habe?
what pre workout is he taking? 😍
Guys something is wrong with my hamster
something wrong with china hampton
I saw a hampster
Fatass won't stop eating
Did you know?
Hermes has tooth gap, should she get braces?
I gave him a perm and now he's bullying the other hamptons for having straight hair? Help?
My hamturd looks ugly
Dum mole rat cant see the wall 🤬
Sending hum out to the Bering Sea 😍
Which one of you is responsible for this??
Mushroom growing in hamster enclosure?
Why haunter bite?
should i steal his crunch stick?
Why happer bald??
Is she mad at me....
Why did the bubbles stop I’m doing everything right
Sizzle Sizzle >:3
I think my hampster got hurt in the forest...
Is this setup ideal?