Video Game Scoring (second place winner at the Indie Game Music Contest!!!)
What r u supposed to do with synth or bass one shots?
Pro q
Is the Netflix Anime going to be a sequel to 2007 Anime?
This music needs a genre name
officially lost the plot
Call him by the old familiar name
how does ts beautiful song only have this much streams
mkgee super bowl performance
Graduated but what happens with Creative Cloud Projects?
Just started FF7 Remake, but is the amount of cutscenes normal?
roman joins boylife
I got told to get over 2hollis by another 2 fan because I’m too old
LF any of Stinger | Hive audio kits
man if this dude isn’t currently creating his ‘blonde’ i am rioting
Do u 2 fans fw this brakence guy?
All my memories dissapeared
Artists like nate sib?
I see alot of posts about specifically getting MkGees tone, and while it is cool to find what he was using , thats not exactly the point.
Can you do the free trial on every singe archetype one after the other
Hey 2hollis can u jiggle for me
Second song i made on FL
What kinda piano does Brakence use
Whats your favorite song that helped u progress the most when u were an intermediate guitar player?