Help! Very overweight at 165lb 5ft 1
Somethings stopping me doing jab 2
Do I need to get this checked?
Day2 - sore aching muscles
Day 2 and sore muscles in back of neck.
DAY 1 Regret?
No symptoms when on period
Vaginal Atrophy: How do you know?
In the Uk and have boric acid but questions…
Irritation "down there"
I'm tired of BV. Can you list a few tried & true/scientific proven things that gets rid of?
Recommendations for pre/probiotics and suppositories (UK only)
Could this be BV?
Opinions needed re Bv or not….
Too much discharge
Group A strep?!
First time using boric acid???
Vaginal estrogen
metronidazole ??
Metro single dose
IBS Flare Ups
Probiotic suppository while on period?
Vaginal probiotic - canesflor alternative
Canesflor replacement
Not sure what to do next!