“A medical professional has determined my child needs to be in the NICU but I know better than them”
Soak and Sanitize? Fridge and Sanitize?
Frequent flyer - what are the best luggage?
Ugly print
Mark Kelly, senator from Arizona has introduced legislation restoring National Parks employees and Forest Service staff including wildland fire crews
Name ideas for a baby born during a full lunar eclipse blood moon
Meg’s Fiancé
Amnio decision
Why is induction pushed so much?
Where to shop for baby supplies?
Best brands of non maternity clothes that will fit all 3 trimesters
To all the moms out there did you “know” you were pregnant way before you found out?
Why aren’t there hotel rooms inside airports?
Giving birth at 37 weeks
Why do you need to go through private companies to access certain parks?
Annoyed at Free Baby Boxes
Wedding Hair Thoughts
24 hr flight at 28 weeks pregnant?!
No cervical checks?
Sweetnums is a Grandnums!
Are young celebs not encouraged to go to school “in case” something happens?
Is there no seatbelt on airplanes for babies?
Are millennials really obsessed with baby tech?