the grammy’s crash out
do u want season 3
67th Annual GRAMMY Awards Megathread // Watch Party!
Game Thread: Minnesota Vikings (14-2) at Detroit Lions (14-2)
Lana Del Rey’s Worst Possible Setlist [FINALE]
call to action: Bringing Live Music to North Minneapolis
binchie trying to create accessibility and community within Minneapolis
help! tracking guitar sounds like aliens?
"24/7 Award Winning Customer Service"
I'm never gonna emotionally recover from this
Biography of X by Catherine Lacey
3 weeks into cycle
RE: turning a suitcase into a pedal board
Game Thread: Kansas City Chiefs (11-6) at Baltimore Ravens (13-4)
[online mmo] [late 2000s early naughts] open world game with maybe long/tall characters?
Plz help me remember this game
Game Thread: Green Bay Packers (9-8) at San Francisco 49ers (12-5)
So im going to her concert !
a quote of any music of ethel you would get tattoed
Carpet tile/Baseboard
Pbass, Jbass, PJbass?
Where to move for a music career?
If Lana asked you who she should collab with which music artist are you suggesting to her?
the omaha show was insane!!