*exhales in silence*
We are privilegied
Das true
I'm Invincible!
Perishable bean seems understandable
When the banana was carrying the run
24M, Dealing with Chronic Balanitis for 2+ Years – Need Help
Think I have balanitis.
Why does the search doesn't show everything?
Charming effect
Get all weapon id
Enchantment Tier List, my honest opinion.
Which one would you choose?
Can someone explains to me how everything hit faster than me?
My genius brain decided to duplicate a random joker
My Success story! (So simple. Smh.)
I don’t know if i’m crazy
What happens if you die 1 000 000 then?
"Are you winning dad?"
Perfectly balanced
I have a very important question about weapons
No turn based mode in real life
Question about weapon attachement
Who is the most "cheap gadget for cheap kills" operator in the game ? I'll go first
Canadian inventor Troy Hurtubise testing out his bear-resistant suit.