Apparently I'm a cheater for this
_______-MAN, _______-MAN, does everything a _______ can.
Dear spirits do I have homework?
What's your favorite part about chess?
Which situation do you prefer?
Thoughts on Leper Messiah
Thoughts on 'Suicide and Redemption'
Guess the ELO! Best game ive played in a while.
Crazy move from an Opera-Game-Esque blitz game I played while on a train
Best Metallica Album and Why?
What do aggresive Sicilian Players play against anti-Sicilians?
Absolutely insane Puzzle, White to play, Mate in 2
Every Mirror You Buy Is Technically Second Hand
Opinions on the King's Gambit
People who play chess more often than not seem to have a lot of issues!
Black to move to find the only move that leads to mate
Why is 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 called the Old Sicilian?
Best move?
Yo, I need help with something.
Can I reach 2000 elo online with practice and consistency?
Once and for all, what is the best genre of music to listen to while playing online chess?
Any recommended courses for playing against the Kings Indian Defense?
Dragon players, what do you play against d4 ?