What’s a company secret you can share now that you don’t work there anymore?
As a man, what pisses you off most about the dating scene?
Starbucks ad unappreciated
Biggest human poop is from a viking. Found in York, England in 1972 at 20cm long
What does my fridge say about me?
Dating only one guy at a time
What screams “I’m just pretending to be rich”?
Don’t do it, Nancy!
So we are expected to just work for 70% of our days for 40+ years?
Bands that get labeled as hair metal that you just don’t feel are?
What’s the most overrated thing that everyone seems obsessed with?
Retirement at 50
Women do it to WOMEN, too! (???)
What perfume gets you the most compliments?
Worst big hair band. I’ll start, Enuff z Nuff…..
Which shirt looks best with this skirt?
Who is the rudest celeb you have met? What happened?
Vince Neil concert
Need Recs
What movie did you rewatch and think it was terrible this time around?
My (30F) student (18M) made a super creepy comment. My husband (35M) think I’m being paranoid
AITA for not waking my husband up?
My almost marriage ended up over the phone. Any idea about what was going through his mind?
What kind of cat is this?
Husband unsupportive of this journey?