Going back to work feels like torture
For those who took Femara, how soon did you get mature follicles and have success?
First day home alone with baby - I feel like I did such a bad job
"Being more cheerful at work", is this feedback justified?
Has anyone noticed that many users on the app Peanut are polygamous couples looking for a date and masquerading as wanting play dates for the kids
If a dog has a huge yard, do they still need daily walks?
Cozy game recs for when you’re overstimulated by decision fatigue and stress?
How to stay fit when moving hurts?
Anyone mess something up with their preparations for the baby lately?
Am I doing this right? (American)
Diaper bags
Glucose test 😭
What kind of contraception did you choose after birth and why? Tell me how you weighed pros and cons.
Clomid experiences
Epidural myth
Evening sickness
Ectopic pregnancy?
Running Pain
Which color is nicer?
Plant mom while pregnant
Never thought I would love breastfeeding so much. It’s literally addicting.
Thread for normal, boring, and uneventful pregnancies
Are you getting an epidural or opting for a natural birth without pain meds?
when did you feel baby move with an anterior placenta?! 🩷
When did your dog know you were pregnant and how did they act?