What part/section of your hometown/city do you think would make an ideal Safe Zone for survivors?
Grocery day in Amish country
$350K or a dead relative comes back to life.
How would you balance a Speedster character? 🤔
Zombie apocalypse!!
What crimes would you commit if you faced no real consequences?
Could you survive if dropped 5 years into a zombie apocalypse?
Realistically, how long to y'all think y'all were to survive if the apocalypse broke out right now?
You can have any superpower you want but if any person ever finds out you have it you die immediately. Which one do you pick?
You get 100 million , but for the next 10 years, every animal you see will try to chase you.
Worst possible names for a restaurant
Anon asks why white women do this to themselves
A Thousand Year-Old Genie will grant as many wishes as you can make for as long as you wish for things no one has ever wished for before, what are your wishes?
Simpsons quotes you've incorporated into your daily life
Double your salary for life, but you can only eat every other day.
ICE is doing warrantless raids and arresting American citizens. How is that legal?
Please help me settle this debate
You gain the ability to make a clone of yourself once a day. However, that clone will only last 2 hours. When are you (generally) using your ability?
How did you learn to drive manual?
You are given a jar with 1,000 berries. One is poisonous. You get $50k for each berry you eat. How many are you eating?
What was the most absolutely depressing movie you ever seen?
Detroit to Nola - stops along the way?
75 million USD instantly but you must “check in” at a random location on earth once a month, on a random day.
Satan can confirm