Gotta love that reintegration process
Info about Infinity speakers
Looking out a window that isn’t there
top three favorite songs
Bargain "Glory" vinyl preorder in Uk
buscando youtubers de cine
Vinyl Engine Strikes Again
David Lynch trying to get the shot before the sun goes down (BTS)
How do I know if my stylus is worn out?
I’ve owned three pressings of this album.
Turntable voltage question
What did y'all think about Perfect Days?
2019 Marin Fairfax 2 question
ok, but hows the SONG?
Severance S1 Intro art by me.
Giving up on Spotify and returning to vinyl (2024 collection)
Favorite loop-based or cyclical piece?
Signed and unopened
Real Betis’ Twin Peaks referenced announcement for Antony
Gordon Cole and Coop onto their next adventure
My first serious setup
anyone have suggestions for movies that take in one place and people just talk the whole movie
Where do you get music?
Hiroshi Yoshimura "Flora" 2xLP - listen, and pre-order here