What's your plan tonight?
Am I Overreacting
Just logged on to AOL dial up to post in a chat room
I'm going to be roasting a free turkey I was given (22 pounds) tommorow, first time roasting a bird. What to do with the neck and giblets?
where should I cut?
It's 76 degrees (F) and sunny. Are you cruising around town with the windows up or down?
Is this normal?
Songs that say “fuck you im still going to succeed” despite hard times and bad people
What is something you avoid for your mental health?
Should a person put his or her spouse or child first?
Wish I could change me
What is the most essential lesson you've taken away from a failed relationship?
Before hopping on a rollercoaster lol
Am I overreacting if he has to put all of this on the food I cook for him?
Aint tryna jinx it but does 2026 look extremely good for yall
An excerpt from a book I read long time ago
Anyone else had a long day?
How Often Do You Talk to Your Parents?
At What Point Would You Leave the U.S.?
What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about yourself in the past year?
What are you looking forward to?
Is it because of the sun that my Golden Pothos is turning yellow and loosing her green colour?
Do dead people have one last dream before they're brain shuts off forever?
Is this a marriage stereotype?
Are we the last generation with endemic tinnitus?