Green bubble hate is real
[H] Full HB Choice March [W] Paypal
Wing Poll bonus round because someone suggested it - which is your favorite version of the Tallgeese? Pick ONE
Hydroshift 360TL LCD issue
Cosmere Pin Stand
The next Planetary Annihilation game is half Factorio, half RTS, all 'Tsar Bomba level annihilation'
[H] August - February 2022 Choice Bundles, Leftovers [W] Age of Wonders: Planetfall, Paypall
Just saw the news about RC. Brightside: I've finally found a place where I belong.
[H] PayPal / Venmo / Giftcards [W] Humble June Choice ($12), Cities Skylines Colossal ($23) , Battles of Yore ($15), Any Humble Leftovers
[H] All of Jan 2022, Dec 2021, Nov 2021 Humble Choice bundles, other months' leftovers [W] Paypal, Offers
Wanted FFT fans to get first access to Cascade Tactics (Steam Beta Keys In Comments)
[H] All of October, September, August Humble Choice bundles, other months' leftovers [W] Paypal, Offers, WH40K: Space Wolf Special Edition
[Flair Profile] /u/Daylight_Devil
[H] April Humble Choice, Humble leftovers [W] Valkryia Chronicles 1, other Strategy/RPG games, Paypal, offers
[H] PayPal(I Cover Fees)/Venmo/Keys/Giftcards, Games on Demand, Valheim, Persona 5 Strikers, Yakuza, Hitman 3, Nioh 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Hades, 1000+Games [W] March Choice ($14.50), Feb Choice ($15.50), Tales of L&A Tier 3 ($13.50), Godfall, Squad, Cod WWII, Tropico 6, Most Leftover Humble Games
[H] Humble Choice and Bundle leftovers [W] The Technomancer, Kingdom Under Fire 2, and offers
[H] Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Gold, Reaper Bundle 4, Grid: Ultimate, Resident Evil HD, Resident Evil Zero, Battalion 1944, Train Valley 2, other Humble leftovers/games [W] Any Game Trade Offers/List
[H] March 2020 Choice, past Humble & Fanatical [W] Paypal, Offers
[H] PayPal, Temtem, Escape from Tarkov, MHW: Iceborne, GTFO, NMS, Halo MCC, Star Wars JFO, RDR II, MHW, 1000+ Games [W] Feb Choice ($18.00), Jan Choice ($17.50), AMD Promos, Frostpunk, Pathfinder, Stardew, UCH, Dirt Rally 2, SotTR, CoD WWII, Crash, Spyro, Squad, 7 Days to Die, Any Humble Games
[H] All Humble Choice Jan 2020, Dec Choice and other Bundle leftovers, Fanatical [W] Paypal, Offers
[Flair Profile] /u/Maria_gr
ZEN's IGS Rep Page 3
[H] Steam Winter Sale Games, PayPal, Halo: MCC, Jedi Fallen Order, RDR II, Disco Elysium, Outer Worlds, MW, BL3, RE2, DMC 5, MHW, SW Battlefront II, 1000+ Games [W] AMD Promos, Tomb Raider, Blasph, Pyre, CoD WWII, Crash, Spyro, Squad, SC VI, Dead by Daylight DLCs, Omensight, Any Humble Games
[H] All Humble Choice Dec. 2019, Bundle leftovers, Fanatical [W] Paypal, Offers
[H] Paypal, AAA Games/On Demand, [W] Buying Almost ALL HB Gift Links, Dec. Early Unlocks ($17), Nov. Early Unlocks ($19), Yakuza Kiwami ($6), Soulcalibur VI ($6), My Time at Portia ($5), Call of Duty WWII ($8), Spyro Reignited ($6), Crash Bandicoot N.Sane ($5) + Price List