Can I have a Medicare advantage plan, and a plan from my husband’s employer?
AITA for asking my roommates wife to wear bottoms around the house
Me time😉
Does networking actually get people hired, or is it overrated?
My neighbor’s die-hard MAGA brother is devastated that he lost his job due to the DOGE purge. “I thought that MY job was safe. I’m not some DEI hire.”
Lunatic or not? You decide
Americans looking for work haven't had it this hard in almost 3 years
Anyone else here worried about the future?
What’s the most sexist thing said to you at your job?
If most companies and employers refuse to hire Gen Z, is Gen Z just supposed to starve?
Why is there hardly any companies doing anything to slow down menopause?
Trump supporter tells a girl that she's property of the state
Are transferable skills a thing of the past? Is moving up from job to job out of reach these days?
Linkedin, indeed, ziprecruiter, etc, are a joke..
Unlucky streak of layoffs
Recently lost my job post-COVID
white collar recession scares me
Quitting Tech
I hate how old people complain how lazy the youth are, yet they support decreasing opportunities for them
Am I the only one who didn't know Workday works better when you load your resume as a word doc?
How has your attitude toward your parent shifted as you have gotten older?
How do you balance your time with applying and still take care of yourself?
AITA for saying I would terminate my pregnancy if the baby had a genetic condition, and now my husband is considering a divorce?
Does anyone notice AWS is glitchy in chrome? Is this typical?
Laid off in August. Homeless since September. 440 applications in, 160 rejection emails, 10 interviews that have gotten to round 2, and one ghosted. Unemployment done in two weeks. And I have no idea what to do.