What one video game announcement would break the internet more than any other right now?
Isn’t this misleading?
It was a sad year guys
Mohamed Salah’s glow up needs to be talked about.
Thoughts on KFC Singapore?
For people who tracked their daily expenses and stopped
Seriously, what makes you keep going to that restaurant?
What was your best/favorite purchase from Japan?
What are you guys currently playing?
A perfect in-between game. Play this before it’s removed from Extra
Recommend some good story games on extra
What's a video game where your starter weapon is arguably the best weapon?
Dear former Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rails players, how do you not get sucked back in when new characters and freebies are being promoted by Hoyo?
Smartest thing someone said that changed your trajectory of life
Any good psychological thrillers, anything with a good plot twist?
Can anyone recommend me a movie with a crazy plot twist?
Why isn't China a popular tourist destination for Singaporeans?
Who are iPads mainly for?
[eshop/US] Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom PRINCE'S EDITION - $23.99. Lowest price ever
Thing users: what's your preferred note app?
[eShop/US] LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Deluxe edition $48.99 (30% off) Ends 5th September. Lowest price ever.
When I go to the hawker centre, I place a tissue packet on every empty table so people have something to clean up with after eating. What act of kindness do you do for strangers?
Why is the Tinder Algorithm so broken for men in Singapore?
Who is the most annoying person you’ve ever met and what made them so annoying?
Had to sue my first client. Make sure you always have a contract!