Newer player: Feeding Critters
What are the best Jaffa cakes?
My cat scratches himself bald
AITA for expecting money from my boyfriend’s family?
What slang is an instant giveaway that someone is from your home region?
People who have been stalked by their ex’s, what was it like and what did you do?
What are some questionable things you've done because you were horny?
What is a food combination you love that other people think is weird?
My Uni (University of sheffield) does not offer office hours for Post grad taught courses
AITAH for not wanting to rub my boyfriend’s back?
Can someone please help me identify what is causing this to happen to all my clothes…
Where would you organise a gangbang?
What is the most niche thing you guys are insanely goot at?
What is one absurdly common and widely recognized concept, object, or event that you’ve had to explain to somebody (As if they were born yesterday) ?
What's one item that's always out of stock?
Am I overreacting or should I be this mad?
Portable consoles for offline gaming
What’s the most awkward moment you've had during a date that made you wonder if the universe was secretly filming a rom-com about your life?
So whats left once couples are bored with the sex ?
Guys, who would you go for, Monica, Rachel or Phoebe?
People who can earn more money than they make in their current job, what is your reason for staying?
You wake up in the opposite sex’s body, what’re you doing first?
what's the cutest thing your pet does/has done?
Idle games like ‘My Perfect Hotel’ for Steam Deck
If you could know the absolute truth to one question about any event in history, what would you ask and why?