If anybody knows, how to hide sidebar headers (in my case is collections, i use ctrl+f only and tags for specific stuff)? It's little annoying text without sub-labels crashes clean workspace for me. Thanks for your answers, abletoneers.
do lady heads make good hand tats? by me @mercertattoo
Josh pan is back?
Finish the sentence: You're not a cultured anime viewer until you've seen __________?
Create Fades on Clip Edges
Mura Masa, Cherish - FLY
Stranger Grains | Max for Live Device
How I Make My Drums SLAP In Just Over A Minute.
Flux Pavilion - Bass Cannon (LYNY flip)
Moody Good, Zeds Dead, Killa P - Mad Ting
Berserker helmet done by me @coppotattoos brazil based 🇧🇷
I’ve got some bad news for A LOT of us right now… /s
Can’t have anything anymore man…
Is Berserk 1997 worth a watch?
Anime series better than SAO
All Of My Anime Trad Tattoos Thus Far.
Bong done on 4/20 by me @kanetattoos
Yeat - 2093 Acapellas
In some of Yeat's songs, the beats have a sort of distorted/warped feel to them, what is this called or how do you describe it?
Anyone know the VSTs used in Whole Lotta Red's production?
This sub should have a pinned post for production resources
Trap kicks
Cop a vst
Filler ideas??
The Weeknd - Trilogy Acapellas
Why is it so difficult to come up with catchy non-predictable/basic Melodies?